Canadian model unmasks blog tormentor

A Canadian model has won a landmark case in a New York court after Google was forced to disclose the online identity of a blogger who anonymously posted derogatory comments about the Vogue covergirl.
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Rural hospital hinging future on federal incentive

(AP) -- Electronic medical records are a life-or-death issue at Sac-Osage Hospital - not necessarily just for the patients, but for the hospital itself.
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Lead-based consumer paint remains a global public health threat

Although lead content in paint has been restricted in the United States since 1978, University of Cincinnati (UC) environmental health researchers say in major countries from three continents there is still widespread failure to acknowledge its danger and companies continue to sell consumer paints that contain dangerous levels of lead.
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Earth's biogeochemical cycles, once in concert, falling out of sync

What do the Gulf of Mexico's "dead zone," global climate change, and acid rain have in common? They're all a result of human impacts to Earth's biology, chemistry and geology, and the natural cycles that involve all three.

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Use of a restraining device in the subacute phase after a stroke no better than rehabilitation alone

Restraining the use of some patients' unaffected upper limb during the subacute phase following stroke does not appear to generate greater improvements in motor impairment and capacity than standard rehabilitation alone, according to a pilot study published in the June issue of Physical Therapy, the scientific journal of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).
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Structure of antibiotic ramoplanin reveals promising mechanism

With the "last resort" antibiotic Vancomycin now plagued by the first signs of bacterial resistance, a scientific collaboration centered at Duke University has identified how a candidate successor ...
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Oysters Are on the Rebound in the Chesapeake Bay

After decades of overharvesting along the Virginia shore, large experimental reefs are now home to more than 180 million native oysters, scientists say.

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